Comment on the Rio+20 zero draft

Submitted by admin on 13. January 2012 - 13:39

On 10 January the UNCSD Rio+20 bureau released the zero draft of the outcome document for Rio+20, "The Future We Want":…. This draft is based on hundreds of submissions from governments and civil society, including IEF, compiled at It will serve as the basis for intergovernmental negotiations leading up to the conference in June, starting in New York on 25-27 January. Some IEF members will be at the negotiations, so any support that we can give them will be helpful. We have created a forum on the IEF web site for you to contribute your ideas and comments on the document ( What is missing and should be added? What might civil society do in complement to what the governments may decide? What should IEF include in its statements for and activities in Rio? IEF members can also start new forum discussions on topics relevant to Rio+20. Now is your chance to take an active part in an international process.