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Una dirección de correo electrónico válida. Todos los correos electrónicos del sistema se enviarán a esa dirección. La dirección de correo electrónico no se hará pública y sólo se utiliza para recibir una nueva contraseña o si quiere recibir ciertas noticias o notificaciones por correo electrónico.
Varios caracteres están permitidos, incluyendo los espacios, puntos (.), guiones (-), comillas ('), guiones bajos (_) y el signo @.
Opciones de contacto
Permitir que otros usuarios contacten con usted a través de un formulario de contacto personal que mantiene oculta su dirección de correo electrónico. Tenga en cuenta que algunos usuarios con privilegios, como los administradores del sitio, podrán contactar con usted incluso si desactiva esta característica.
Subscription to the newsletter includes access to the IEF web site and resources
Members will receive all the materials of the Forum, the newsletter, and announcements of all activities, may participate in the annual General Assembly, conferences and discussions, virtually or in person, and are entitled to vote and be voted for the IEF Governing Board. Member information without contact information and addresses is included in the Forum's Directory of Members accessible to members only on the IEF website.
Associates have the same privileges as members, except that they do not take part in the election of the IEF Board. They may attend the General Assembly as an observer, without the right to vote or be voted for. The IEF keeps an internal list of associates which is not shared with others.
Check this if you are already an IEF member
Check this if you are already an IEF associate
Given or first name
Surname, family or last name
City, town or village of residence
Country of residence
Please use E.164 international phone number formatting: [+][country code][area code][local phone number]
Alternative email address (optional). This address will be used in case the main email address cannot be reached (e.g., email bounces).
Are you a member of a Bahá'í community?
If you are not a member of a Bahá'í community, do you accept and support the IEF’s statutes and Bahá'í-inspired approach?
Only enter your year of birth if you are less than 21 years old. Youth will be considered associates and will become full voting members when turning 21.
Explain briefly why you want to join IEF
Degrees or qualifications earned
Such as professional activities, community involvement, membership in/cooperation with environmental NGOs, environmental involvement with religions (maximum 200 words)
Such as conservation, environmental education, pollution, biodiversity
Check this if you want to write for the IEF newsletter
Volunteer to help review and edit articles and papers submitted by members
Check this if you want to contribute to the IEF web site (content, design or organization)
Check if you want to help advise and mentor other members or associates on their choice of study or career
Check this if you want to engage in environmental education at the grassroots level
Check this if you want to participate in public discourse about the environment
Check this if you want to take part in local environmental/social action
Occasionally we share the contact information for members with other members to facilitate collaboration. If you do not wish your contact details to be shared with others, click this button for no share.
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