What is at stake at this year's global climate conference - COP27?
14th IEF Webinar
with Halldór Thorgeirsson
Saturday 5 November 2022
The 14th IEF webinar on Saturday 5 November 2022 with Halldór Thorgeirsson on What is at stake at this year's global climate conference - COP27? will take stock of development in the global response to climate change on the eve of the 27 Conference of the Parties to the Climate Convention COP27 in Egypt. The objectives of the Conference will be outlined, and the main challenges discussed. These annual conferences are an important focus point for global cooperative action on climate change which is gathering momentum at the same time as the adverse impacts of climate disruption are becoming more evident.
Halldór Thorgeirsson is the Chair of the Icelandic Climate Council. He served as senior director at the UN Climate Change Secretariat (UNFCCC) in Bonn for fourteen years (2004-2018). His responsibilities included managing substantive support to international climate negotiations culminating in the adoption of the Paris Agreement in 2015. As a climate negotiator for Iceland, Halldór had served as the Chair of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) for a two-year term.
Time: This webinar will take place Saturday, 5 November, 2022
11am PDT California
2pm EDT New York
6pm GMT
7pm CET Central Europe
Registration: https://tinyurl.com/IEF-COP27
Last updated 12 October 2022