Coral reefs

environmental component

Film about coral reef restoration project screened at COP27

Submitted by admin on 4. December 2022 - 13:55

Film about coral reef restoration project screened at COP27

Bahá'í World News Service
18 November 2022

A short film produced by the Bahá’í International Community (BIC) explores how constructive relationships between individuals, the community, and institutions paved the path for a youth-led social action initiative to revitalize and protect a coral reef ecosystem off the shores of Tanna, Vanuatu.

Global Status of Coral Reefs

Submitted by admin on 5. October 2021 - 17:33

Global Status of Coral Reefs

Report on Status of Coral Reefs
of the World 2020
launched 5 October 2021 by
Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network

Coral Reefs as a Model for Humanity

Submitted by Arthur Dahl on 28. August 2021 - 12:22

Coral Reefs as a Model for Humanity

IEF Presentation at the
Parliament of the World's Religions
17 October 2021

The 2021 Parliament of the World's Religions will be meeting on 16-17 October 2021 on the theme "Opening our Hearts to the World: Compassion in Action". The Bahá'ís are as usual collaborating in the Parliament.

Working to save islands and coral reefs from climate change

Submitted by admin on 20. March 2021 - 12:26

Working to save islands and coral reefs from climate change

IEF member Austin Bowden-Kerby in Fiji has worked for many decades to address the problems of coral reefs and the small islands that depend on them. He has pioneered techniques for restoring damaged coral reefs by growing coral fragments to a size where they can be replanted on the reefs, just as trees are used for reforestation, as long as the source of damage has been controlled.

Austin Bowden-Kirby and coral conservation

Submitted by admin on 7. July 2020 - 17:58

Austin Bowden-Kirby and coral conservation

An article in The Guardian 20 June 2020 and The Guardian Weekly of 26 June 2020, "Local tabu: an ancient ocean custom helps save reefs" acknowledges the life-long work on coral conservation of IEF member Austin Bowden-Kirby throughout the Pacific Islands and in central America.