
Council of Pecans, from "Braiding Sweetgrass"

Submitted by admin on 7. January 2023 - 18:30

Council of Pecans, from Braiding Sweetgrass

17th IEF Webinar, Saturday, 4 February 2023 with Robin Kimmerer
"Book Club" Webinar: Council of Pecans, from Braiding Sweetgrass

Stockholm Conference 1972

Submitted by admin on 10. December 2021 - 22:50
1972 June 5-16
Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholm Conference 1972

Bahá'í participation in the
United Nations Conference on the Human Environment
Stockholm, Sweden, 5-16 June 1972

by Arthur Lyon Dahl
(based partly on notes taken at the time and on documents in the National Baha'i Archives, Wilmette, Illinois, USA)

Stockholm 1972

Environment and spirituality (English et français)

Environment and Spirituality
Environnement et spiritualité

A course or workshop on the Bahá'í approach in four units
drawn in large part from the teachings of 'Abdu'l-Bahá

Un cour en français sur l'approche baha'ie en quatre leçons
tiré en grand partie des enseignements d'Abdu'l-Bahá

Available online here or downloadable as pdf presentations
disponible ici ou téléchargeable comme présentation en pdf