Arthur Dahl's blog

Why a space sunshade isn't such a bright idea

Submitted by Arthur Dahl on 22. February 2023 - 13:55

Why a space sunshade isn't such a bright idea

Letter from IEF President Arthur Dahl
in New Scientist 4 February 2023

There is a fundamental contradiction between two of Vaclav Smil's innovations to save humanity [New Scientist 7 January 2023, p.38]. He calls for more efficient photosynthesis, while also suggesting the need for a planetary sunshade to control global warming.

Love, Peace and Sustainability

Submitted by Arthur Dahl on 5. November 2022 - 16:12

Love, Peace and Sustainability

Based on a contribution to the Triglav Circle
5 November 2022

The Triglav Circle, which addresses the ethical dimension of social issues, met on 5 November to consider the topic "Universal Selfless Love [Agape] as a Political Philosophy and Practice". The following is my attempt to present a Bahá'í perspective on the topic.