Science, Truth and Expert Advice

Submitted by admin on 2. April 2021 - 12:58

Science, Truth and Expert Advice

Excerpt from a letter of the Universal House of Justice
Department of the Secretariat
to an individual dated 11 February 2021

Working to save islands and coral reefs from climate change

Submitted by admin on 20. March 2021 - 12:26

Working to save islands and coral reefs from climate change

IEF member Austin Bowden-Kerby in Fiji has worked for many decades to address the problems of coral reefs and the small islands that depend on them. He has pioneered techniques for restoring damaged coral reefs by growing coral fragments to a size where they can be replanted on the reefs, just as trees are used for reforestation, as long as the source of damage has been controlled.

G20 Interfaith Forum

Submitted by admin on 19. March 2021 - 21:18

G20 Interfaith Forum

For Nature's Sake: A Moral Compass for the SDGs

Blog by Arthur Dahl

Inside UNEP

Submitted by Arthur Dahl on 16. March 2021 - 14:44

Inside UNEP

Book Review of Maria Ivanova's
The Untold Story of the World’s Leading Environmental Institution: UNEP at Fifty
by Arthur Dahl

Maria Ivanova. The Untold Story of the World’s Leading Environmental Institution: UNEP at Fifty. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2021. 329 pp.

Ecosystem Accounting Takes Off

Submitted by admin on 3. March 2021 - 13:59

Ecosystem Accounting Takes Off

The United Nations Statistical Commission, at its 52nd Session on 1-5 March 2021, is launching Ecosystem Accounting as an extension of its System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA). This represents a significant step forward in taking national statistics beyond GDP as a measure of progress or (assumed) wellbeing.

cherry blossoms